The problem:
A round pipe resting on a flat support traps moisture that causes the pipe's paint to soften and fail. The trapped moisture then begins to corrode the bare steel and eat through the pipe wall, eventually causing extensive damage that can result in pipe failure.
The solution:
When a round pipe is placed on I-Rod®, moisture can no longer be trapped against the pipe. Any moisture evaporates before it can cause damage. As a bonus, the raised pipe prevents contact between dissimilar metals and makes inspection much easier.

1. A pipe on a flat surface exposed to the elements is not properly protected against corrosion because there’s no room for air to flow beneath it.
2. The space between the pipe and support is a crevice that traps water, causing corrosion that results in rapid wall loss.

3. The pattern of crevice corrosion is very recognizable as it spreads from the point of initial paint failure.
4. The problem worsens as the crevice grows and water can’t escape. Corrosion accelerates wall loss that can cause dangerous leaks.

1. The proprietary hydrophobic material has high compressive strength and will not crack, creep or cold-flow.
2. The pipe is supported by I-Rod’s half-round shape to minimize the contact area and ensure that water evaporates before damaging the paint.
3. I-Rod® electrically isolates the pipe from metal supports, preventing galvanic corrosion between dissimilar metals.
4. Nu-Bolts™ are covered in PolyShrink™ to protect the paint on the pipe during installation.
I-Rod® is a durable, half-round thermoplastic with high compressive strength and little-to-no creep over time. It's available in four materials for use in high-temperature environments.

I-Rod® and I-Rod® UV+ (white) can be used for temperatures up to 181°F (83ºC)
I-Rod® HT (amber) can be used for temperatures up to 340°F (171ºC)
I-Rod® PEEK (tan) can be used for temperatures up to 480°F (249ºC).
One piece of I-Rod® can support up to 10,000 lbs of weight at a single point. I-Rod® has been protecting pipes worldwide for over 35 years, and there has never been a reported failure of a pipe protected by genuine I-Rod®.

Nu-Bolts™ utilize U-bolts to secure pipes to supports while they’re supported by corrosion-preventing I-Rod®. There are gripping configurations for firmly securing the pipe and non-gripping options that allow thermal expansion movement. Custom sizes to match any needs are available in addition to our catalog and online offerings, and some metric sizes are available as well.
In the non-gripping configuration, the I-Rod® is secured by nuts above and below rather than just below to allow thermal expansion without lateral movement. Nu-Bolt® XL offers slightly larger clearances to further prevent binding that could damage pipe coatings during movement.

I-Rod® Adhesive is designed to securely anchor strips of I-Rod® in situations where drilling and bolting would be difficult. It’s a great solution for using I-Rod® on solid concrete supports that can’t be fitted with U-bolts, or for locations where drilling through metal is restricted or would require a hot work permit.

I-Rod® Clips are designed to provide the same I-Rod® anti-corrosion benefits to pipe cradles and clamps that it brings to flat pipe supports. I-Rod® is an extremely strong thermoplastic material machined to a half-round shape; a single piece can support up to 10,000 lbs. The contact area with the round pipe is minimized to prevent moisture from becoming trapped and causing corrosion damage.

I-Rod® is the original corrosion-preventing thermoplastic pipe-support system, developed and manufactured by Deepwater Corrosion Services. I-Rod® material is extremely durable and can support enormous amounts of weight. Unfortunately, while conducting offshore inspections our technicians routinely discover imitations of I-Rod® that have broken or crushed, leaving pipes dangerously unprotected. Usually, these are low-grade injection-molded imitations, but some use high-quality materials (Delrin and Teflon for example) with material properties unsuited for this application.

Each piece of genuine I-Rod® has the logo and unique batch number printed on it. Every shipment of I-Rod® is traceable and is sent with a certificate of authenticity. If a project specifies I-Rod® and imitation products are used instead, it could create a significant liability when they fail and cause damage to the pipes.